Call for Papers

The Journal of Undergraduate Research in Finance is accepting submissions for its 2025 issue.  The JURF publishes original work written undergraduate students or co-authored by faculty with an undergraduate student. Accepted articles are largely the result of the highest quality senior or honors theses. Works from all areas of finance are welcome, including original research, case studies, and replications of high-impact work.

Please see Submission Guidelines Page for submission details.

Email Melissa Woodley at with any questions.

The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2025.

The Mark J. Bertus Prize will be awarded for the best paper in the JURF. A panel of judges will select the winner who will receive $1,000.  Each runner-up will receive $250.

All articles are subject to blind review by faculty.  Recognizing that the typical “revise and resubmit” model of most academic journals is not optimal given the time constraints of undergraduates the JURF will follow a no revisions policy.  Authors will receive a yes or no along with a full referee report that may recommend extensions or suggestions for future research.  Simple cosmetic changes may be required prior to publication.

Initial submissions must be made while at least one co-author is a full-time or part-time undergraduate student.