Submission Guidelines

Attach submissions as a PDF or Word file and email to with “JURF submission” in the subject line. There should be two files. One will be the title page only as described in Manuscript Guidelines below. The other will be the full article with a title page that does not include any identifying information about the author. Please be careful to remove any information that may identify the author or affiliation from the second file.

The Mark J. Bertus Prize will be awarded for the best paper in the JURF. A panel of judges will select the winner who will also receive $1,000.  Each runner-up will receive $250.

All articles are subject to blind review by faculty. Recognizing that the typical “revise and resubmit” model of most academic journals is not optimal given the time constraints of undergraduates the JURF will follow a no revisions policy. Authors will receive a yes or no along with a full referee report that may recommend extensions or suggestions for future research. Simple cosmetic changes may be required prior to publication.

The submission deadline is May 31, 2025.

Manuscript Guidelines
  1. Manuscripts should consist of one title page, a one page abstract, and the main body of the paper.
  2. Manuscripts should be no more than 30 pages in length (double-spaced).
  3. In general, manuscripts should follow The Chicago Manual of Style.
  4. Please edit manuscripts carefully, writing in the active voice; i.e. avoid expressions such as “This paper tests…” Do not use italics to indicate emphasis.
  5. Eliminate excess verbiage and avoid redundancies. In the introduction avoid describing the contents of the subsequent sections.
  6. On the title page, include the title, author’s name, affiliation, JEL classification code, and personal footnote, if desired. Double-space all text, including abstract, footnotes, and references. Print on one side of page only.
  7. Include a single-paragraph abstract of no more than 100 words following the title page.
  8. Use footnotes instead of endnotes. Keep the number and the length of footnotes to a minimum.
  9. Center primary headings, using Roman numerals. Begin subsection headings at left margin.
  10. Tables should be able to stand alone. Make column headings descriptive and easily understood. Define all variables and abbreviations.
  11. Number tables and equations with Arabic numbers, and number figures with Roman numerals. Enclose equation numbers in parentheses and place them in the right margin.
  12. Present each table or figure on a separate page. Figures accepted for publication must be camera ready and may not exceed 5 inches in width and 7 inches in length.
  13. Cite references in the text by placing the publication date in parentheses, e.g.,Cornell (1986) finds…Or, alternatively, Several studies (e.g., Bierwag (1987), Johnson (1989)…
  14. List source references alphabetically at the end of the manuscript using the format shown below. Do not list any references not cited in the text. When citing several publications that appear in the same year by one author, add a, b, c, etc. to the publication date.

Cornell, B., 1986, Inflation measurements, Inflation risk, and the pricing of Treasury bills , Journal of Financial Research 9, 193-202.

Cox, J. and M. Rubinstein, 1983, Option Markets (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ).

Ho, T.S.Y., 1985, The value of a sinking fund provision under interest-rate risk, in E. I. Altman and M.G. Subrahmanyan, eds.: Recent Advances in Corporate Finance (Irwin, Homewood , IL ).

Questions or comments may be sent to:

Melissa Woodley